It is now exactly 1 week until the GC Half marathon. So this week there are a couple of red meat meals for protein and a pretty large carb load on Friday night.
It is also the first week of school holidays here. Both of my boys are having a sleepover at their grandmothers place one night this week. They love this as she lives on property with cows and chickens and dogs and room to run and run and run. Exciting for them and a night off for us.
But the really exciting thing is that my youngest is having a sleepover at a friend's place on Tuesday night. It's not exciting because he will be away (I will miss him dearly). It's exciting because we can have prawns for dinner. YAY. He is allergic to prawns and so it is generally off the menu at our house. I'm licking my lips at the thought of it!
Beef and Vegetable triangles.
This dinner is always popular at our house.
I make a few changes to the original recipe though.
1. I use around 750g of mince and adjust the rest of the recipe to suit.
2. Instead of minestrone soup I either use condensed tomato soup or just pasta sauce (whatever I have in the cupboard is how this decision gets made)
3. I use frozen mix veg (corns, carrots, peas) in lieu of the veg that you'd get with the minestrone soup.
4. I usually add small cubes of potato which I add to the beef near the end of cooking just to soften them a bit (they finish cooking off in the oven)
5. I add curry powder to the beef mix as well just for some extra flavour
I guess you could say I slightly veer this recipe towards a beef and potato samosa.
Even if you don't do the changes that I do it's still a great recipe.

Garlic Prawns
I like a traditional style garlic prawn recipe and this one is just that. Served with rice. Can't wait!
A Jamie Oliver recipe that I am going to put in the slow cooker and serve with fresh bread rolls.
You very rarely go wrong with Jamie Oliver.
I'll be making fresh crusty bread rolls to have with this one.
Pesto-stuffed chicken breast
It's just myself and my husband tonight. It will be very quiet.
My sister gave me a grocery bag full of basil last week so I wanted to make basil pesto and then find a recipe to use it in. This recipe seemed perfect, especially as it also requires cream cheese because I have a small bit left in my fridge form last week's dinners that I need to use. Perfect.
I can't wait tot try it. It looks yummy.
Fettucine carbonara
Eggy, creamy, bacony pasta drool.
This is not low fat and not a regular in our house because of it, but it is oh so yummy and a prefect carb load 2 nights before a half marathon.
Have a great week